April 9, 2024
Jessica Fisher

Partner feature: How Crisp data fuels LUNR Capital’s ambitions for emerging CPGs

LUNR Capital serves as a launchpad for CPGs with funding and industry expertise. Combined with Crisp’s retail-time insights, brands have everything they need to accelerate growth.

For ambitious CPG brands, there’s no bigger break than expanding into major retailers. But the journey demands cash flow, seamless inventory management, and proven success – especially in today’s competitive landscape. LUNR Capital understands this, providing an early-stage, non-dilutive funding model that helps founders retain control of their company while unlocking continuous growth.

That continuous growth requires data-fueled visibility for flexible decision-making from the first major retail commitment on. That’s why LUNR Capital has partnered with Crisp, the leading collaborative data platform with integrations to 40+ retailers and distributors. With Crisp data now available as part of LUNR’s service offering, emerging CPG brands gain a significant competitive edge.

The funding gap

How does LUNR Capital deliver on the promise of data-driven growth? Their unique approach starts with a deep understanding of CPG challenges and a commitment to founder success.

With a decade of experience as a senior Target merchant, and helping brands as a growth advisor, Partner and Chief Revenue Officer Erin Wall understands the unique challenges CPGs face when they scale. Beyond needing data insights and marketing dollars, brands often face a critical hurdle – securing the upfront capital for the inventory surge required by major retailers.

This is where LUNR Capital’s game-changing model comes in. They specialize in inventory funding, making the initial deposits to cover manufacturing, warehousing, shipping, and other costs associated with a brand’s first major retail commitment. 

“Over the last few years, raising equity has become challenging,” Wall notes. “Investors are hesitant to fund initial inventory expenses, and CPGs are wise to invest those hard-earned dollars elsewhere. Our model allows founders to conserve cash flow for critical growth initiatives like promotions and marketing.”

The Gel Blasters success story highlights the power of LUNR’s model. The toy brand rocketed from minimal revenue to $100 million after LUNR funded a blockbuster holiday launch. Without this early support, Gel Blasters would likely have faced less favorable terms from equity investors and diluted their ownership stake early on.

“Going with LUNR’s model means the founders can hold onto their companies for longer,” Wall emphasizes. “LUNR provides non-dilutive financing, meaning we provide funding without taking ownership in the company. There may be a short-term impact on margins, but founders retain long-term value – which is something I really love about our approach.”

Beyond financing, LUNR serves as a true partner to its client base, providing industry expertise and sharp omnichannel guidance as brands take off.

The Gel Blasters success story highlights the power of LUNR’s model. The toy brand rocketed from minimal revenue to $100 million after LUNR funded a blockbuster holiday launch.

Ambition + vision

So what are the key factors Erin and her team scope when deciding which companies to support in their growth journey? While LUNR is keen to support a brand’s launch into a Top 20 retailer, they appreciate seeing proven demand first – based on revenue from D2C or in smaller retail ventures. Demonstrating strong unit economics, or healthy margins, is equally as important.

What’s more, the team heavily values ambitious founders and teams that possess a long-term vision beyond a single retailer. They want partners seeking to expand into more doors and unlock even greater growth opportunities. In other words, if you want to go with LUNR Capital, be willing to shoot for the moon!

And don’t worry, because the journey upward becomes a lot clearer with Crisp’s retail data insights.

Fueled by data

Erin’s deep industry experience instilled the importance of data-driven decision-making. “There is nothing better than using retail insights to make the best possible assortment decisions,” she emphasizes. She also understands the power of sell-through data in demonstrating a product’s potential. “Analyzing how a product performs in Kroger, for example, can be a powerful way to showcase its potential success at Whole Foods or Albertsons.”

However, Erin acknowledges a key challenge for growth-phase CPGs: “Accessing and aggregating this kind of data across multiple retailers is difficult, and brands usually don’t have the bandwidth.”

This is why LUNR’s partnership with Crisp is so transformative. With Crisp, brands gain access to real-time, centralized sales and inventory insights across products, stores, regions, and retailers, for essential clarity to scale strategically.

The power of presenting these insights alongside the necessary capital to meet continued retail commitments is a winning combination. Not only does this unlock retail growth opportunities for suppliers, but Crisp insights, paired with LUNR’s funding, enable brands to:

  • Accelerate growth: Fast underwriting by LUNR, informed by Crisp data, streamlines processes so brands can quickly seize new opportunities in their existing accounts or as they expand into new doors.
  • Act with precision: LUNR can provide credit for inventory ahead of promotions, then use Crisp data to ensure allocation aligns with forecasts for maximum return.
  • Optimize profitability: Crisp data reveals voids and out-of-stocks, tracks sales velocity, and can pinpoint where marketing spend drives the most impact, ensuring resources are deployed effectively for greater ROI.

“The quicker and smoother we can make investment decisions with our growing partners, the better,” expresses Wall.

Erin acknowledges a key challenge for growth-phase CPGs: “Accessing and aggregating this kind of data across multiple retailers is difficult, and brands usually don’t have the bandwidth.” This is why LUNR’s partnership with Crisp is so transformative.

LUNR Capital + Crisp: Tomorrow’s success stories

Every retailer wants to be first to market with the latest, most exciting products. LUNR’s Erin Wall leverages her acumen to identify these innovative brands. “How do we partner with today’s innovators and build an even better story for them?” she asks.

With half of their clients being women- or minority-owned businesses, LUNR champions the diversity that retailers actively seek in their vendor relationships.

Crisp data empowers LUNR to collaborate with each brand uniquely, providing real-time insights from their first major retail commitments on. Brands can track inventory flow, analyze sales data, and chart a course to new levels of growth. 

Along with this data, LUNR offers fast credit opportunities, ensuring inventory continuously aligns with demand, helping to unlock and build key retailer relationships.

With half of their clients being women- or minority-owned businesses, LUNR champions the diversity that retailers actively seek in their vendor relationships.

Are you ready to fuel your CPG success story? Do you have a groundbreaking product and the ambition to scale? If so, it may be time to partner with LUNR Capital – now powered by Crisp data. Learn more by contacting LUNR at hello@lunrcapital.com.

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